Are you an art toy collector as well?
It’s time to let your collections see the light of day!
Let’s see the tips for art toy collection display!
1. Understand the numbers
Understand how many and how big the toys are which you would like to display to make sure the following process will be accurate and perfect.
2. Make a plan
Make a plan of your displaying collections including which space to choose, which material you will need, etc. If you would like to display the collections on a couple of shelves, remember, the materials you choose will be a reflection of your home’s style. For example, wooden shelves would usually reflect a warmer atmosphere than iron shelves. When it comes to arrangements, try grouping your collection by color or by style.
3. Light them up
Light can be a good partner! Experiment with a flashlight shining from the top, behind, or underneath to find out which way the light best brings out the most important parts of your toy collection.
4. Keep them safe
Some sophisticated collections are usually very fragile. And it’s worthy to keep them behind glass for an extra layer of protection. And if there are children at home, certain issues should also be considered while displaying collectibles.
5. Spread your imagination
It’s showtime! Don’t forget to always have fun when decorating your home with your beloved collections, and it’s wonderful to get some ideas from your family or friends. Let’s have fun together!